Fresh Info: Cause Knowledge is Power

(Freshest stuff first)


14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends NEW

From Forbes magazine staffer Jacquelyn Smith (so you know it’s the good stuff). Among the ‘Successful People’: Spencer Rascoff, co-founder of Hotwire and former VP of Expedia.

James Rhodes: ‘Find what you love and let it kill you’ NEW

“My life as a concert pianist can be frustrating, lonely, demoralising and exhausting. But is it worth it? Yes, without a shadow of a doubt.”

10 Things Winners Do Differently

Including: Take responsibility, focus on the controllable, and keep good company.



10 Phrases That Can Solve Any Work Problem NEW

Handy for anyone, not just those with a short temper or prone to crying inside. Barry Moltz provides great conflict resolution tips – my fav is “ “I want to listen to your point of view, but I can’t do it when you are yelling at me” followed closely by I understand your point of view, but I see it differently.”  I’ve used both, and they work.

History of Terminations & Firings Because of Employee Social Media NEW 

Did you hear the one about the Australian Miners fired for posting Harlem Shake video on YouTube? No joke. It’s just one of an increasing number of employee firings/layoff announcements/terminations posted on social media.

Jessica Miller-Merrell has created a handy “timeline of known events and case studies that are brought to our attention through the power of social media, online media and traditional news sources” (from 2007 to now). Among them:

How Graduates Can Get Ahead

This article is all about thinking big, and proving yourself by going above and beyond in your first job. The author, Jack Welch, is the founder of the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University (about 46,000 students at 100 campuses across the US and online). To give you an idea of his influence: on LinkedIn, he has almost 612 thousand followers (including me). 

4 Lessons on Reinventing You and Your Brand

Obviously the relevant bits here relate to reinventing YOU (though it’s helpful to think of yourself as a brand that needs top promotion!). It’s all about redefining what you stand for in the minds of others – how others see you now, how you want them to see you, and how to get from A to B. Author Katya Anderson (COO and CSO at Network for Good) discusses branding expert Dorie Clark’s suggestions for a self-do-over.

Job seekers: How do you stand out from the crowd? (via Firebrand Talent Ignition)

The day social media killed your job chances (via Firebrand Talent Ignition):

Great tidbit:Social media, like it or not, has become the new tool for online discrimination. It’s not only the foul language or that inappropriate picture that can hurt your employment prospects, potential employers look at who you hang out with as well as things like your hobbies and interests – all of which influence their decision making, to some degree.”

Basic gist: Many employers reject job candidates based on lack of judgment when posting social media content, including: inappropriate photos/comments/evidence of illicit substance use, negative comments about a former employer, poor communication skills, discriminatory comments.

10 Steps to Promote Brand You with Social Media (via

Why we need to hire nutters, pirates and positive deviants to succeed (via Firebrand Talent Ignition)

Great tidbit: “Taking risk, living on the edge a little sometimes, flaunting rules on occasion, laughing loudly as the wind lashes your face and your pursuers drift into the distance behind you. I want to hire people like this.”

Why you should spring clean your online self (via @dailydot)

Great tidbit: “Take a look at what you have floating out there in cyberspace and ask yourself, “Is this an accurate representation of me?”



11 Twitter Essentials You Need To Pimp Your Blog (via

How To Blog With Passion and Purpose (via



Famous Advice on Writing: The Collected Wisdom of Great Writers

Maria Popov of has done a great job with this!

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